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05MAR 2014
C-Change was designed with the premise that the construction industry continues to move towards a model that embraces prefabrication. This model plays out in systems furniture design and residential housing, but has not made its way to commercial int... read more >>
C-Change / decoi-architects
Posted in Architecture - Interior design by * FORMAKERSC-Change was designed with the premise that the construction industry continues to move towards a model that embraces prefabrication. This model plays out in systems furniture design and residential housing, but has not made its way to commercial int... read more >>
04MAR 2014
In its definition pushed back towards its Greek origins, Aesthetics refers to all theories investigating the human sensorium. This course takes its cue from the moiré effect, seeking to explore the “interference” between the tecton... read more >>
The Aesthetics of Digital Craft / Minbum Koo & Seongmo Ahn
Posted in Design - Design by * FORMAKERSIn its definition pushed back towards its Greek origins, Aesthetics refers to all theories investigating the human sensorium. This course takes its cue from the moiré effect, seeking to explore the “interference” between the tecton... read more >>
03MAR 2014
A spandex cave of soft geometries. A sound field where music is math. Her installations are wormholes. You are unnerved. You are comforted. Music is math.People could immerse themselves in a huge fabric cocoon at this interactive installation by arch... read more >>
Kaleidoscopic Blueprints / Sophia Chang
Posted in Design - Design by * FORMAKERSA spandex cave of soft geometries. A sound field where music is math. Her installations are wormholes. You are unnerved. You are comforted. Music is math.People could immerse themselves in a huge fabric cocoon at this interactive installation by arch... read more >>
02MAR 2014
A guide to your first image transfer on a 3D printed object.... read more >>
Hydrographic design for 3D printing / le Fab shop
Posted in Digital Tutorials - Digital Tutorials by * FORMAKERSA guide to your first image transfer on a 3D printed object.... read more >>
02MAR 2014
Reverberating Across the Divide reconnects digital and physical contexts through a custom chronomorphologic modeling environment. This modeling interface uses a three phase workflow (3D scanning, 3D modeling, and 3D printing) to enable a designer to ... read more >>
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Posted in Design - Fashion by * FORMAKERSReverberating Across the Divide reconnects digital and physical contexts through a custom chronomorphologic modeling environment. This modeling interface uses a three phase workflow (3D scanning, 3D modeling, and 3D printing) to enable a designer to ... read more >>