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FORMAKERS will take advantage of the "digital fabrication REvolution". We publish projects of urban design/ architectural research/ fashion design/ 3d print/ parametric design / architecture model /photography and much more.FORMAKERS invites architects, designers, artists, students, scientists and individuals of all backgrounds to explore, research and investigate new design paradigms and urban visions.

03MAR 2014

Kaleidoscopic Blueprints / Sophia Chang

Posted in Design - Design by * FORMAKERS

A spandex cave of soft geometries.

© Sophia Chang
A sound field where music is math. Her installations are wormholes.

© Sophia Chang
You are unnerved. You are comforted.

© Sophia Chang
Music is math.

© Sophia Chang
People could immerse themselves in a huge fabric cocoon at this interactive installation by architect and artist Sophia Chang.Sophia Chang stretched huge sheets of Lycra around frames to create the network of tunnels and enclosed spaces through the interior of the Invivia Gallery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

© Sophia Chang
The structure extended between different entrances and wrapped around the base of the gallery's spiral staircase. There were also a handful of openings, which framed windows to the spaces outside.

© Sophia Chang
"The softened geometries of this expansive fabric insertion frame both people and their context, while confounding the experience of interior and exterior, wall and room, hiding and revealing places to be found and explored," said Chang. The inside of the space was separated into two disconnected halves.

© Sophia Chang
Visitors could occupy either sides, meaning they could see the silhouettes of other people behind the dividing layer of fabric.

© Sophia Chang
According to the designer, the experience was intended to represent the feeling of being on the other side of a wall to something unknown - an area known as poché. "Here poché receives a more ambiguous reinterpretation," said Chang.

© Sophia Chang
"What could be understood as a wall or reminiscent space from one vantage point, becomes an inhabitable room from another.".

© Sophia Chang



© Sophia Chang © Sophia Chang © Sophia Chang © Sophia Chang © Sophia Chang © Sophia Chang © Sophia Chang © Sophia Chang © Sophia Chang © Sophia Chang


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