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27APR 2014
The plan for this project considers the entire landscape as an ocean, and the people who travel through the area as voyagers. This site was previously a shipyard, and this project will be constructed by reclaiming two old docks. Three waves of &ldquo... read more >>
LaLaport Toyosu / EARTHSCAPE
Posted in Architecture - Landscape by * FORMAKERSThe plan for this project considers the entire landscape as an ocean, and the people who travel through the area as voyagers. This site was previously a shipyard, and this project will be constructed by reclaiming two old docks. Three waves of &ldquo... read more >>
25APR 2014
Lim Kae Woei and Elena Low, of Melbourne based XYZ Workshop, have been awarded the top prize in an international 3D printed fashion competition. The competition called for pieces that were sustainable and inspired specifically by water.After further ... read more >>
3D PRINTED TOP / Lim Kae Woei and Elena Low
Posted in Design - Fashion by * FORMAKERSLim Kae Woei and Elena Low, of Melbourne based XYZ Workshop, have been awarded the top prize in an international 3D printed fashion competition. The competition called for pieces that were sustainable and inspired specifically by water.After further ... read more >>
24APR 2014
Due to the fact that in Koblenz (Germany) a synagogue is lacking Herrmanns Architekten (Prof. Henner Herrmanns and Hung Nguyen) have proposed as a feasibility study. The form of the synagogue is to be understood as a response to the precarious triang... read more >>
New Synagogue in Koblenz / Henner Herrmanns
Posted in Architecture - Religious by * FORMAKERSDue to the fact that in Koblenz (Germany) a synagogue is lacking Herrmanns Architekten (Prof. Henner Herrmanns and Hung Nguyen) have proposed as a feasibility study. The form of the synagogue is to be understood as a response to the precarious triang... read more >>
24APR 2014
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The goal of this project is to improve the overall healing experience for broken or fractured limbs by focusing on the patient’s comfort and the amount of time needed for the body to heal itself. Comfor... read more >>
Osteoid Medical cast, attachable bone stimulator / Deniz Karasahin
Posted in Design - Design by * FORMAKERSUNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The goal of this project is to improve the overall healing experience for broken or fractured limbs by focusing on the patient’s comfort and the amount of time needed for the body to heal itself. Comfor... read more >>
21APR 2014
Exclusive handmade interior decor elements are valued for an artistic forms, naturality and originality. This special collection was created following the conception “closer to nature, but also suitable for a modern interior”. During t... read more >>
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Candle Holders / Donatas Žukauskas
Posted in Design - Design by * FORMAKERSExclusive handmade interior decor elements are valued for an artistic forms, naturality and originality. This special collection was created following the conception “closer to nature, but also suitable for a modern interior”. During t... read more >>