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18APR 2014
Concept: The most dynamic cities of the 21st century, such as New York, are anthropomorphic alloys that act as engines for innovation and social cohesion. These cities, with their continually evolving demographics, will forge the dynamic societies... read more >>
Posted in Architecture - Infrastructure by * FORMAKERSConcept: The most dynamic cities of the 21st century, such as New York, are anthropomorphic alloys that act as engines for innovation and social cohesion. These cities, with their continually evolving demographics, will forge the dynamic societies... read more >>
14APR 2014
Here are some photos of the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013 (completed spring 2014) in Stuttgart, Germany, by students in the ICD Institute for Computational Design (Prof. Achim Menges) and ITKE Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design ... read more >>
ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014 / ICD Institute for Computational Design
Posted in Design - Installations by * FORMAKERSHere are some photos of the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013 (completed spring 2014) in Stuttgart, Germany, by students in the ICD Institute for Computational Design (Prof. Achim Menges) and ITKE Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design ... read more >>
09APR 2014
Experimental architecture practice AR-MA combine robots, lasers and Corian in their futuristic iteration of the Fugitive Structures programme at Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation. Text by Nicky Lobo. The conceptual brief for Fugitive Structures, d... read more >>
Posted in Architecture - Installation by * FORMAKERSExperimental architecture practice AR-MA combine robots, lasers and Corian in their futuristic iteration of the Fugitive Structures programme at Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation. Text by Nicky Lobo. The conceptual brief for Fugitive Structures, d... read more >>
09APR 2014
On the tip of an island near Amsterdam lies a mysterious black box. This is the house that Studioninedots built for a young family – a house full of surprises and contrasts. A house with dynamic spatial and material qualities: from an unlimited... read more >>
Posted in Architecture - Houses by * FORMAKERSOn the tip of an island near Amsterdam lies a mysterious black box. This is the house that Studioninedots built for a young family – a house full of surprises and contrasts. A house with dynamic spatial and material qualities: from an unlimited... read more >>
04APR 2014
The train is cutting this city area and it is generating non connected zones that automatically become a “B zone”, were buildings doesn´t work properly, not enough users want to visit them, surrounded by lonely public open spaces th... read more >>
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Posted in Architecture - Housing by * FORMAKERSThe train is cutting this city area and it is generating non connected zones that automatically become a “B zone”, were buildings doesn´t work properly, not enough users want to visit them, surrounded by lonely public open spaces th... read more >>