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05MAY 2014
Jule Waibel transforms simple sheet materials into three-dimensional objects, with the additional capability that they can transform, expand and contract. From Paper to Reality Inspired by Mary Poppins’ seemingly never-ending bag, Jule m... read more >>
Raised / Jule Waibel
Posted in Design - Fashion by * FORMAKERSJule Waibel transforms simple sheet materials into three-dimensional objects, with the additional capability that they can transform, expand and contract. From Paper to Reality Inspired by Mary Poppins’ seemingly never-ending bag, Jule m... read more >>
04MAY 2014
A true piece of France, placed upside down and made entirely of dismountable and reusable wood. This pavilion of 3,600 square meters, that France will present as part of the theme “Producing and nurturing in another way”, show-cases its a... read more >>
Posted in Architecture - Pavilion by * FORMAKERSA true piece of France, placed upside down and made entirely of dismountable and reusable wood. This pavilion of 3,600 square meters, that France will present as part of the theme “Producing and nurturing in another way”, show-cases its a... read more >>
03MAY 2014
A prevalent problem facing cities and regions is inadequate stormwater infrastructure. Sixteen billion gallons of raw sewage get dumped into Philadelphia’s rivers and streams each year after rain events. Because wet-weather flow is a dispersed ... read more >>
Edaphic Effects / Philadelphia USA | PEG
Posted in Architecture - Landscape by * FORMAKERSA prevalent problem facing cities and regions is inadequate stormwater infrastructure. Sixteen billion gallons of raw sewage get dumped into Philadelphia’s rivers and streams each year after rain events. Because wet-weather flow is a dispersed ... read more >>
30APR 2014
Kardinaal Mercier Square lies in the centre of Jette, yet this is not the only reason why it is a hub for civic activities. The old town hall – which nowadays serves as a police station, the station, a major tram and bus stop, the church, the l... read more >>
Kardinaal Mercier Square / OMGEVING
Posted in Architecture - Landscape by * FORMAKERSKardinaal Mercier Square lies in the centre of Jette, yet this is not the only reason why it is a hub for civic activities. The old town hall – which nowadays serves as a police station, the station, a major tram and bus stop, the church, the l... read more >>
28APR 2014
“The house of curves ” was born from the desire to create a warm and welcoming ambient as one’s home. The curves are a reminder of the feminine curves, which are carved in wood to form two vaults. The exposure of the goods is orga... read more >>
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The House of Curves / Maurizio Barberio | Micaela Colella
Posted in Architecture - Interior design by Maurizio Barberio | Tags: Parametric, Shop, Interiordesign, Curve, Circle, Wood, Light, House“The house of curves ” was born from the desire to create a warm and welcoming ambient as one’s home. The curves are a reminder of the feminine curves, which are carved in wood to form two vaults. The exposure of the goods is orga... read more >>