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07MAY 2014
HELIX is a diffuse furniture system. It can behave just as a continuous furniture that can occupy simultaneously any vertical and horizontal surface while characterizing the spatial atmosphere. Its form recalls a natural system that grows out still b... read more >>
HELIX / OSW - Open Source Workshop
Posted in Architecture - Interior design by * FORMAKERSHELIX is a diffuse furniture system. It can behave just as a continuous furniture that can occupy simultaneously any vertical and horizontal surface while characterizing the spatial atmosphere. Its form recalls a natural system that grows out still b... read more >>
06MAY 2014
BSG was founded by Thierry Boltz and Claude Saos, from the design studio Boltz & Saos based in Strasbourg, France. Wood.b was born from a shared passion for cycling and the everyday use of this mode of transportation by the two designers. A port... read more >>
Posted in Design - Transport by * FORMAKERSBSG was founded by Thierry Boltz and Claude Saos, from the design studio Boltz & Saos based in Strasbourg, France. Wood.b was born from a shared passion for cycling and the everyday use of this mode of transportation by the two designers. A port... read more >>
06MAY 2014
FXFOWLE Architects shared with us their custom-design for the inaugural Miami Project art fair. Their installation, known as the ‘FXFOWLE Lounge’, features a free-standing architectural pavilion housed within a well-appointed lounge and b... read more >>
FXFOWLE Lounge Installation / FXFOWLE Architects
Posted in Architecture - Installation by * FORMAKERSFXFOWLE Architects shared with us their custom-design for the inaugural Miami Project art fair. Their installation, known as the ‘FXFOWLE Lounge’, features a free-standing architectural pavilion housed within a well-appointed lounge and b... read more >>
05MAY 2014
The Poppy project aims at building an Open-source humanoid platform based on robust, flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. Designed by the Flowers Lab at Inria Bordeaux and Ensta ParisTech (France), its development aims at providing an afford... read more >>
Poppy / Flowers Lab
Posted in Design - Robotics by * FORMAKERSThe Poppy project aims at building an Open-source humanoid platform based on robust, flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. Designed by the Flowers Lab at Inria Bordeaux and Ensta ParisTech (France), its development aims at providing an afford... read more >>
05MAY 2014
The world smallest 3D printing pen enables you to doodle in the air!... read more >>
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the smallest 3D printing pen / lixpen
Posted in Events_Interviews - Events_Interviews by * FORMAKERSThe world smallest 3D printing pen enables you to doodle in the air!... read more >>