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31MAY 2014
As part of a dramatic renovation of the historic First National Building, Neumann/Smith was selected to modernize the landmark building’s main lobbies and a central concourse between the two, which runs through 15,000 sf of new retail space. T... read more >>
Posted in Architecture - Interior design by * FORMAKERSAs part of a dramatic renovation of the historic First National Building, Neumann/Smith was selected to modernize the landmark building’s main lobbies and a central concourse between the two, which runs through 15,000 sf of new retail space. T... read more >>
25MAY 2014
A design collaboration between Ron Arad Architects and David Adjaye Associates, with Art Strategies Inc & Tatar Art Projects. Addressing the challenge and responsibility of creating a public monument which evokes a shared set of experiences rela... read more >>
Posted in Architecture - Monuments by * FORMAKERSA design collaboration between Ron Arad Architects and David Adjaye Associates, with Art Strategies Inc & Tatar Art Projects. Addressing the challenge and responsibility of creating a public monument which evokes a shared set of experiences rela... read more >>
21MAY 2014
Francis Bitonti Studio, a multidisciplinary design studio in New York City, organized a workshop at the Metropolitan Exchange in Brooklyn that resulted in the creation of their second 3D printed dress. They built a web interface with MakerBot allowin... read more >>
The Bristle Dress / Francis Bitonti Studio
Posted in Design - Fashion by * FORMAKERSFrancis Bitonti Studio, a multidisciplinary design studio in New York City, organized a workshop at the Metropolitan Exchange in Brooklyn that resulted in the creation of their second 3D printed dress. They built a web interface with MakerBot allowin... read more >>
17MAY 2014
ENG-The Festival of the Green and Landscape (Festival del Verde e del Paesaggio) is the event dedicated to the Architecture of the Landscape, to the love for gardening, the knowledge of plants, the outdoor design. It is a big container that uses ... read more >>
Festival del Verde e del Paesaggio / Auditorium Parco della Musica – Roma
Posted in Architecture - Landscape by * FORMAKERSENG-The Festival of the Green and Landscape (Festival del Verde e del Paesaggio) is the event dedicated to the Architecture of the Landscape, to the love for gardening, the knowledge of plants, the outdoor design. It is a big container that uses ... read more >>
16MAY 2014
The Architectural Association (AA) London, is pleased to announce an exciting workshop in programme; and invites you to join us from June 14 to 24, 2014. AA Visiting School Jordan is a ten-day workshop set within the context of Amman, Petra and Wad... read more >>
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workshop from June 14 to 24, 2014 / AA Visiting School Jordan
Posted in Events_Interviews - Events_Interviews by * FORMAKERSThe Architectural Association (AA) London, is pleased to announce an exciting workshop in programme; and invites you to join us from June 14 to 24, 2014. AA Visiting School Jordan is a ten-day workshop set within the context of Amman, Petra and Wad... read more >>