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05APR 2012

Indigo Deli / Sameep Padora Associates

Posted in Architecture - Restaurants by Sameep Padora Associates | Tags: India
    • ./media/109.288.1333575205.recity-Indigo-.jpg

      Sameep Padora Associates
    • ./media/109.288.1333575216.recity-Indigo---.jpg

      Sameep Padora Associates
    • ./media/109.288.1333575230.recity-Indigo.jpg

      Sameep Padora Associates
    • ./media/109.288.1333575293.recity-Indigo_oo.jpg

      Sameep Padora Associates
    • ./media/109.288.1333575295.recity-Indigo_o.jpg

      Sameep Padora Associates
    • ./media/109.288.1333575303.1. Paradigms of Existing Infrastructure.png

      Sameep Padora Associates
    • ./media/109.288.1333575310.2. Proposed Armature.png

      Sameep Padora Associates

The design of the Indigo Delicatessen at Palladium was conceptualized to subvert the trappings of its mall context and the repetitive manifestation of most branded retail architecture. The design is an insert into the space, on one hand reverential... read more >>
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