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08FEB 2015
From the architect. Two Spirals Become One This wedding chapel stands in a garden of a resort hotel, “Bella Vista Sakaigahama,” in Onomichi, Hiroshima. The site is midway on a hill enjoying a panoramic view of the Inland Sea of Japan. ... read more >>
Ribbon Chapel / NAP Architects
Posted in Architecture - Religious by * FORMAKERSFrom the architect. Two Spirals Become One This wedding chapel stands in a garden of a resort hotel, “Bella Vista Sakaigahama,” in Onomichi, Hiroshima. The site is midway on a hill enjoying a panoramic view of the Inland Sea of Japan. ... read more >>
07FEB 2015
Designed by Frei+ Saarinen Architekten, the aim of the Lignum Pavilion is to inform the public about the possibilities of wood applications in the construction field. Conceived as a training and information center, the project embodies the expressive... read more >>
Lignum Pavilion / Frei + Saarinen Architekten
Posted in Architecture - Pavilion by * FORMAKERSDesigned by Frei+ Saarinen Architekten, the aim of the Lignum Pavilion is to inform the public about the possibilities of wood applications in the construction field. Conceived as a training and information center, the project embodies the expressive... read more >>
04FEB 2015
Our recent hospitals, as health systems, effectively serve the citizens, but it takes place in a dramatic architectural space unnecessarily and sometimes depressive. Its proven effectiveness is the cause of their repeatability, so that over a quarter... read more >>
Rey Juan Carlos Hospital / Rafael De La-Hoz
Posted in Architecture - Healthcare by * FORMAKERSOur recent hospitals, as health systems, effectively serve the citizens, but it takes place in a dramatic architectural space unnecessarily and sometimes depressive. Its proven effectiveness is the cause of their repeatability, so that over a quarter... read more >>
30JAN 2015
“Ruga” is a Latin word for making winkles, creases, and folds, and the word has recently been used by material scientists to describe these various qualities. The crease pattern of Ruga Swan was developed based on the Yoshimura pattern, w... read more >>
Ruga Swan / Jiangmei Wu
Posted in Architecture - Installation by * FORMAKERS“Ruga” is a Latin word for making winkles, creases, and folds, and the word has recently been used by material scientists to describe these various qualities. The crease pattern of Ruga Swan was developed based on the Yoshimura pattern, w... read more >>
28JAN 2015
The new WILD ROCKET has a little story behind it. Its founder, Chef Willin Low, was studying law overseas when he began his culinary career hosting and cooking for homesick friends. His experience gave us the idea of modelling the new Wild Rocket aft... read more >>
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Wild Rocket Restaurant / PRODUCE
Posted in Architecture - Restaurants by * FORMAKERSThe new WILD ROCKET has a little story behind it. Its founder, Chef Willin Low, was studying law overseas when he began his culinary career hosting and cooking for homesick friends. His experience gave us the idea of modelling the new Wild Rocket aft... read more >>