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18AUG 2013

Urban Adapter / rocker-lange architects

Posted in Design - Furniture by FORMAKERS ( LG)
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      rocker-lange architects

Hong Kong’s urban furniture contains multiple functional objects. Each of them belongs to a different set of formal expression or is part of a different style. While variation is obvious in the style mix of Hong Kong’s public furniture, t... read more >>
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13AUG 2013

Complex Origami Couture / MORANA KRANJEC

Posted in Design - Fashion by FORMAKERS ( LG)
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The level of complexity found in Morana Kranjec’s folded fashions appear to defy logic. The seams where paper slides into paper are hidden giving no clue to their construction. In organized chaos, the sheets stack upon each other like crystall... read more >>
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08AUG 2013

Plato’s Collection / Amila Hrustic

Posted in Design - Fashion by FORMAKERS ( LG)
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      Irfan Redzovic
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      Irfan Redzovic

The collection consists of five unique dresses handcrafted from a combination of textiles and paper. The main inspiration for the entire Collection is located in Platonic solids. Plato, the great Greek philosopher, studied what we now call “Pla... read more >>
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02AUG 2013

Spring / Steffie Christiaens

Posted in Design - Fashion by FORMAKERS ( LG)
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      Steffie Christiaens
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      Steffie Christiaens

Anomalous formations of the invisible drawings of force. For Spring Summer , Steffie Christiaens offers a powerful vision of femininity, through distinct silhouettes that project her observations on the magnetic forces of attraction. Forcing symmet... read more >>
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31JUL 2013

Venom Chair / Onur Ozkaya

Posted in Design - Industrial design by FORMAKERS ( LG)
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      Onur Ozkaya
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      Onur Ozkaya
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      Onur Ozkaya

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