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11NOV 2020

Physx / Cosimo Scotucci

Posted in Design - Installations by Cosimo Scotucci | Tags: Distancing, Coronavirus, Social, Covid19, Physx, Architecture, Democracy, Resiliancy, Design, Future, Innovator, Installation
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Since the Corona cases start to rise again in the Netherlands and all around the world, more strict social distancing measures should be taken. Till now all the proposed models are based on a static solution, circles on the grass, tape in the restaur... read more >>
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30MAY 2020


Posted in Design - Furniture by * FORMAKERS
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When you think of furniture, you think of pieces made using the most traditional materials. We are conditioned to associate furniture primarily with wood, plastic, and metal so when we see products made from anything else it leaves us in awe. Vadim K... read more >>
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28APR 2020

Israeli Student Designs Cutting-Edge Protective Mask With Disinfecting Case / Yael Mordechay

Posted in Design - Fashion by * FORMAKERS
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With the demand for protective masks drastically increasing amid the coronavirus pandemic, an Israeli art student has designed something along those lines that makes life a bit more colorful right now. As part of her first semester studio project ... read more >>
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02JUL 2019

Shift Souls / Iris Van Herpen

Posted in Design - Fashion by * FORMAKERS
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Dutch designer, Iris van Herpen, is probably one of the most influential designers when it comes to mixing fashion and 3D printing. Many of her collections include 3D printed elements, from dresses to accessories. This time, the designer unveiled 3D ... read more >>
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04JUN 2019

Flying-V plane / KLM

Posted in Design - Transport by * FORMAKERS
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(CNN) — The development of a V-shaped, fuel-efficient airplane design known as the Flying-V is getting a boost with the announcement that Dutch national carrier KLM Royal Dutch Airlines will help to fund it. Intended to improve the sustainabil... read more >>
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