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04MAR 2012

2012 MoMA PS1 YAP Runner-Up: The Mechanical Garden / Ibañez Kim Studio

Posted in Architecture - Pavilion by * FORMAKERS | Tags: MOMA, New York
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      Ibañez Kim Studio

the Mechanical Garden is a social stage: for PS1 activities as well as for architecture-as-characters. A strong figural demarcation assembles a series of Characters into generously shaded arcades and walkways. This peripheral organization reinforces ... read more >>
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28JAN 2012

Ground Zero Master Plan / Daniel Libeskind

Posted in Architecture - Mixed use by Daniel Libeskind | Tags: New York
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After 9/11, there were several years of public debate, as New Yorkers worked to figure out how best to rebuild the World Trade Center site. It was necessary to take some time to develop a plan that reconciled the various constituencies’ individ... read more >>
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