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03JUN 2019
Creative and beautifully made, the Alato Cabinet makes a lasting impression with its striking design that features both refined artistic accents and organic details. Students Jumphol Socharoentham and Pakawat Vijaykadga created this cabinet prototype... read more >>
THE ALATO CABINET / Jumphol Socharoentham and Pakawat Vijaykadga
Posted in Design - Furniture by * FORMAKERSCreative and beautifully made, the Alato Cabinet makes a lasting impression with its striking design that features both refined artistic accents and organic details. Students Jumphol Socharoentham and Pakawat Vijaykadga created this cabinet prototype... read more >>
03JUN 2019
The SMART campus is a vessel for empowerment to anchor our youth in their ancestral lands where they can live prosperous lives. At the same time, it is a portal that connects them out so they keep pace with the advancements around the globe. The bu... read more >>
Posted in Architecture - Cultural by * FORMAKERSThe SMART campus is a vessel for empowerment to anchor our youth in their ancestral lands where they can live prosperous lives. At the same time, it is a portal that connects them out so they keep pace with the advancements around the globe. The bu... read more >>
14APR 2019
Articolo di Martina Socci - SaloneSatellite was the first event to focus on young designers, instanti becoming the unrivalled place for interface with manufacturers, talent scouts and the most promising young designers, and since 1998 runs again conc... read more >>
The international event in the design world dedicated to the under-35s / Salone satellite
Posted in Events_Interviews - Milano by * FORMAKERSArticolo di Martina Socci - SaloneSatellite was the first event to focus on young designers, instanti becoming the unrivalled place for interface with manufacturers, talent scouts and the most promising young designers, and since 1998 runs again conc... read more >>
10APR 2019
the installation From shipyard to courtyard, which completely fills the space of the Cortile of 700. The bare structure of a red-painted hull, designed by Piero Lissoni, recalls those built by master carpenters to tell the mastery of old and new arti... read more >>
Fuori Salone 2019 - Milan - From shipyard to courtyard / Lissoni Associati
Posted in Architecture - Installation by * FORMAKERSthe installation From shipyard to courtyard, which completely fills the space of the Cortile of 700. The bare structure of a red-painted hull, designed by Piero Lissoni, recalls those built by master carpenters to tell the mastery of old and new arti... read more >>
10APR 2019
"The Austrian exhibition will include a very special scenic experience," anticipate the two architects Michael Vasku and Andreas Klug. "We will transform the sumptuous Sala Reale, once a waiting room for the Royal House of Savoy, into ... read more >>
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Milan Design Week - Sala Reale - Stazione Centrale di Milano / Austrian Design – Pleasure & Treasure
Posted in Architecture - Installation by * FORMAKERS"The Austrian exhibition will include a very special scenic experience," anticipate the two architects Michael Vasku and Andreas Klug. "We will transform the sumptuous Sala Reale, once a waiting room for the Royal House of Savoy, into ... read more >>