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30MAY 2020
When you think of furniture, you think of pieces made using the most traditional materials. We are conditioned to associate furniture primarily with wood, plastic, and metal so when we see products made from anything else it leaves us in awe. Vadim K... read more >>
Posted in Design - Furniture by * FORMAKERSWhen you think of furniture, you think of pieces made using the most traditional materials. We are conditioned to associate furniture primarily with wood, plastic, and metal so when we see products made from anything else it leaves us in awe. Vadim K... read more >>
27MAY 2020
Visura Catastale La Visura Catastale rappresenta la documentazione ufficiale prelevata dal Catasto e contiene tutte le informazioni attinenti un immobile. Riguarda sia un Terreno, un Appartamento, un Box Auto, un locale Commerciale, un magazzi... read more >>
Visura Catastale online / RICHIEDI ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩
Posted in Errore (category_name_from_id) - Errore (category_name_from_id) by * FORMAKERS | Tags: Catasto, Visure, VisurecatastaliVisura Catastale La Visura Catastale rappresenta la documentazione ufficiale prelevata dal Catasto e contiene tutte le informazioni attinenti un immobile. Riguarda sia un Terreno, un Appartamento, un Box Auto, un locale Commerciale, un magazzi... read more >>
26MAY 2020
Project name: Nilaya, Indapur Status: Under Construction Nestled in a remote Hill in Indapur, Maharashtra, and this 12,000 sq.ft. House resonates the personality of the clients; an emulsion of traditional and contemporary values and ideas. The... read more >>
Nilaya- The Cliff House / Studio Emergence
Posted in Architecture - Houses by Studio Emergence | Tags: Cultural architecture, Exterior Design, Cliff houseProject name: Nilaya, Indapur Status: Under Construction Nestled in a remote Hill in Indapur, Maharashtra, and this 12,000 sq.ft. House resonates the personality of the clients; an emulsion of traditional and contemporary values and ideas. The... read more >>
26MAY 2020
The project is a proposed design for Iconic mosque to be built at Dubai Creek Harbor site in a competition launched by Emaar... read more >>
Iconic Mosque at Dubai Creek Harbor / Aghyad Almouayad
Posted in Architecture - Religious by Aghyad Almouayad | Tags: AlMouayad, Mosque, Architectural, Dubai, Iconic Mosque at Dubai Creek Harbor, EmaarThe project is a proposed design for Iconic mosque to be built at Dubai Creek Harbor site in a competition launched by Emaar... read more >>
18MAY 2020
Softstone is a mid-rise building located in the city center of a developing metropolitan area. Urban densification and land-use changes are resulting in proximities of existing low-rise residential blocks with mid to high-rise offices or commercials.... read more >>
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Softstone / SETUP Architecture Studio
Posted in Architecture - Office Buildings by * FORMAKERSSoftstone is a mid-rise building located in the city center of a developing metropolitan area. Urban densification and land-use changes are resulting in proximities of existing low-rise residential blocks with mid to high-rise offices or commercials.... read more >>