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20OCT 2014
The "Zz" Chair - The overall shape of the chair is affected by the passenger who seats on it. The 3D model was developed in Solidworks by using parametric modeling technique. Prototype was made by CNC sheets cutting.... read more >>
"Zz" Chair / Chenzhuo Zhu
Posted in Design - Furniture by * FORMAKERSThe "Zz" Chair - The overall shape of the chair is affected by the passenger who seats on it. The 3D model was developed in Solidworks by using parametric modeling technique. Prototype was made by CNC sheets cutting.... read more >>
20OCT 2014
Caret 6 in an installation and exhibition designed and curated by Kory Bieg (OTA+) and his students from the University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture Design V Studio he taught in the fall of 2013. The installation supports prototypes and ... read more >>
Caret 6 / ota plus
Posted in Architecture - Installation by * FORMAKERSCaret 6 in an installation and exhibition designed and curated by Kory Bieg (OTA+) and his students from the University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture Design V Studio he taught in the fall of 2013. The installation supports prototypes and ... read more >>
19OCT 2014
The polygonal segments of the surface react to ultra-violet light, mapping the position and intensity of solar rays. When in the shade, the segments of Or2 are translucent white. However when hit by sunlight they become colored, flooding the space be... read more >>
Or2 Project / Orproject
Posted in Architecture - Installation by * FORMAKERSThe polygonal segments of the surface react to ultra-violet light, mapping the position and intensity of solar rays. When in the shade, the segments of Or2 are translucent white. However when hit by sunlight they become colored, flooding the space be... read more >>
15OCT 2014
Fugitive Structures in an architectural design competition commissioned by SCAF (Sherman Contemporary Arts Foundation) in Sydney, Australia. It is an invited competition, run annually over four years that seeks to showcase emerging architects from Au... read more >>
Parametric thinking: Trifolium / AR-MA
Posted in Architecture - Installation by * FORMAKERSFugitive Structures in an architectural design competition commissioned by SCAF (Sherman Contemporary Arts Foundation) in Sydney, Australia. It is an invited competition, run annually over four years that seeks to showcase emerging architects from Au... read more >>
14OCT 2014
Conceived by Emmanuelle Moureaux for the Shinjuki Creators Festa 2013, ’100 colors’–whose title indicates the number of hues the designer has integrated into the work–features more than 840 sheets of paper that are suspended f... read more >>
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100 colors / Emmanuelle Moureaux
Posted in Design - Installations by * FORMAKERSConceived by Emmanuelle Moureaux for the Shinjuki Creators Festa 2013, ’100 colors’–whose title indicates the number of hues the designer has integrated into the work–features more than 840 sheets of paper that are suspended f... read more >>