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07JAN 2015
Marrakech is a city that offers an indigenous, a madly inventive, and vivid handcraft culture oscillating between ad-hoc kitsch and the archaic sublime. It is apparent that these techniques are readily available and could be appropriated for a propos... read more >>
Loom-Hyperbolic / Frank Barkow
Posted in Architecture - Installation by * FORMAKERSMarrakech is a city that offers an indigenous, a madly inventive, and vivid handcraft culture oscillating between ad-hoc kitsch and the archaic sublime. It is apparent that these techniques are readily available and could be appropriated for a propos... read more >>
03JAN 2015
The final exterior scaffolding has been removed from Diller Scofidio + Renfro’s “The Broad” in downtown Los Angeles, revealing its distinctive honeycomb-like “veil.” Comprised of 2,500 fiberglass reinforced concrete pane... read more >>
The Broad Reveals Its Honeycomb “Veil” / Diller Scofidio + Rentro
Posted in Architecture - Mixed use by * FORMAKERSThe final exterior scaffolding has been removed from Diller Scofidio + Renfro’s “The Broad” in downtown Los Angeles, revealing its distinctive honeycomb-like “veil.” Comprised of 2,500 fiberglass reinforced concrete pane... read more >>
25DEC 2014
Made from 5,000 pieces of firewood, Hello Wood’s “Charity Tree” installation stretches 11 meters high, 4.5 meters wide and weighs 150 quintals (15,000 kilograms). Hello Wood worked with Design Terminal and the Hungarian Interchurch... read more >>
“Charity Tree” / Hello Wood’s Budapest
Posted in Design - Installations by * FORMAKERSMade from 5,000 pieces of firewood, Hello Wood’s “Charity Tree” installation stretches 11 meters high, 4.5 meters wide and weighs 150 quintals (15,000 kilograms). Hello Wood worked with Design Terminal and the Hungarian Interchurch... read more >>
17DEC 2014
In LiFE, installation Metamorphosis impact # 2 turns slowly, lurking in the semi-darkness, dizzying. Strange transplant suspended loving object and stimulates analogies concretion pixelated, vessel weightless iceberg embedded, lost meteorite, volcano... read more >>
Métamorphose d’impact #2 / Chapuisat Brothers
Posted in Architecture - Interior design by * FORMAKERSIn LiFE, installation Metamorphosis impact # 2 turns slowly, lurking in the semi-darkness, dizzying. Strange transplant suspended loving object and stimulates analogies concretion pixelated, vessel weightless iceberg embedded, lost meteorite, volcano... read more >>
14DEC 2014
Like a spaceship, the huge, yet seemingly weightless object floats above the visitors’ centre. The first thing those who enter the hall through the north entrance see is the smooth front end panel, but they quickly scan the long side of the scu... read more >>
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Paper installations / Angela Glajcar
Posted in Design - Installations by * FORMAKERSLike a spaceship, the huge, yet seemingly weightless object floats above the visitors’ centre. The first thing those who enter the hall through the north entrance see is the smooth front end panel, but they quickly scan the long side of the scu... read more >>