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04MAR 2015
During the frigid, mid-winter months in ontario, you won’t find toronto’s kew beach lined with sunbathers and swimmers. instead, in an effort to bring torontonians outdoors and promote community and cultural activities in public space, RA... read more >>
kinetic snowcone winter station / Diana Koncan and Lily Jeon
Posted in Architecture - Installation by * FORMAKERSDuring the frigid, mid-winter months in ontario, you won’t find toronto’s kew beach lined with sunbathers and swimmers. instead, in an effort to bring torontonians outdoors and promote community and cultural activities in public space, RA... read more >>
25FEB 2015
West Street No.1 is a mini complex of tenant’s flagship store, which is located in Wudaokou, one of the most famous commercial district in Beijing. It is close to Tsinghua Science Park (TusPark) where includes world-famous IT giants, such as Mi... read more >>
West Street Number 1 / 6A2 Studio, Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University
Posted in Architecture - Mixed use by * FORMAKERSWest Street No.1 is a mini complex of tenant’s flagship store, which is located in Wudaokou, one of the most famous commercial district in Beijing. It is close to Tsinghua Science Park (TusPark) where includes world-famous IT giants, such as Mi... read more >>
23FEB 2015
Interesting ceiling design in Kava i Vino in Warsaw. Interior designed by Anna Dobek and Mateusz Wójcicki in collaboration with A. Białobrzewska and T. Boczko.... read more >>
Kava i Vino / Anna Dobek and Mateusz Wójcicki
Posted in Architecture - Restaurants by * FORMAKERSInteresting ceiling design in Kava i Vino in Warsaw. Interior designed by Anna Dobek and Mateusz Wójcicki in collaboration with A. Białobrzewska and T. Boczko.... read more >>
22FEB 2015
Better late than never! I have enjoyed a lovely relaxing week off and was a bit lazy when it came to writing last weeks post! I say relaxing but in reality not so much! I spent most of the week stripping two layers of wallpaper from the hall, catchin... read more >>
Origami lampshade / Studio Snowpuppe
Posted in Design - Homeware by * FORMAKERSBetter late than never! I have enjoyed a lovely relaxing week off and was a bit lazy when it came to writing last weeks post! I say relaxing but in reality not so much! I spent most of the week stripping two layers of wallpaper from the hall, catchin... read more >>
21FEB 2015
Fabhouse is a digitally designed and fabricated house almost fully produced and assembled on site. Except for a few elements, everything is produced on a CNC router, including tables, sinks and molds for the concrete ramp. The idea was to build D... read more >>
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Genetic Design / Fabhouse
Posted in Architecture - Pavilion by * FORMAKERSFabhouse is a digitally designed and fabricated house almost fully produced and assembled on site. Except for a few elements, everything is produced on a CNC router, including tables, sinks and molds for the concrete ramp. The idea was to build D... read more >>