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11MAY 2018
Hyundai is at the Geneva Motor Show with a concept that is supposed to show off the company’s future design direction. That future, apparently, includes a big stupid grille. The car is called the Le Fil Rouge, which is French for “comm... read more >>
Le Fil Rouge Concept / Hyundai
Posted in Design - Industrial design by * FORMAKERSHyundai is at the Geneva Motor Show with a concept that is supposed to show off the company’s future design direction. That future, apparently, includes a big stupid grille. The car is called the Le Fil Rouge, which is French for “comm... read more >>
11MAY 2018
Wutopia Lab was commissioned by Aranya to renovate part of club house into a restaurant for kids. We hope to create a neverland for kids in this space of less than 1,000 square meters.By digesting the physical properties of materials, we hope to crea... read more >>
Aranya Kid's Restaurant / Wutopia Lab
Posted in Architecture - Restaurants by * FORMAKERSWutopia Lab was commissioned by Aranya to renovate part of club house into a restaurant for kids. We hope to create a neverland for kids in this space of less than 1,000 square meters.By digesting the physical properties of materials, we hope to crea... read more >>
06FEB 2018
It’s the new generation of youth hostels – innovative, integrative and international - and has recently opened in Bayreuth, Germany. The fluid structure is integrated into the landscape, with contemporary materials and holistic sustainabi... read more >>
Shaped Sports Youth Hostel opens / LAVA
Posted in Architecture - Sports by * FORMAKERSIt’s the new generation of youth hostels – innovative, integrative and international - and has recently opened in Bayreuth, Germany. The fluid structure is integrated into the landscape, with contemporary materials and holistic sustainabi... read more >>
29NOV 2017
Das Entwurfskonzept des Gebäudes für den Verband der Nordwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie verfolgt das Ziel, allen Mitarbeitern den Ausblick in den nördlich angrenzenden malerischen Landschaftsraum zu ermöglichen und... read more >>
Verbandsgebäude des Nordwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsverbandes / behet bondzio lin architekten
Posted in Architecture - Cultural by * FORMAKERSDas Entwurfskonzept des Gebäudes für den Verband der Nordwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie verfolgt das Ziel, allen Mitarbeitern den Ausblick in den nördlich angrenzenden malerischen Landschaftsraum zu ermöglichen und... read more >>
02OCT 2017
The building is located in Kaliningrad region in old German town which was seriously dam-aged during World War II. In an empty place adjacent to the railroad a modern plant of brandy production was built. Our task was a warehouse building project whi... read more >>
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«Alliance 1892» Wine and Brandy Distillery Museum & Warehouse / TOTEMENT/PAPER
Posted in Architecture - Cultural by TOTEMENT/PAPERThe building is located in Kaliningrad region in old German town which was seriously dam-aged during World War II. In an empty place adjacent to the railroad a modern plant of brandy production was built. Our task was a warehouse building project whi... read more >>