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14MAR 2019
The construction site is located in the core area of Schlanders, where stately homes and farmhouses stay side by side, while modern buildings have filled up the open spaces in between. The architectural duo Stephan Marx and Elke Ladurner were commiss... read more >>
Schlossgarten Residential Complex / Marx/Ladurner Architekten
Posted in Architecture - Housing by * FORMAKERSThe construction site is located in the core area of Schlanders, where stately homes and farmhouses stay side by side, while modern buildings have filled up the open spaces in between. The architectural duo Stephan Marx and Elke Ladurner were commiss... read more >>
23DEC 2018
This master planning project is aim to redesign the moved Jiangyin Ximen bus station and the adjacent residential areas re-zoned for mixed-use development. The site covers an area of 49,675 square meters, with a total GFA 198,700 square meters, inclu... read more >>
Posted in Architecture - Mixed use by * FORMAKERSThis master planning project is aim to redesign the moved Jiangyin Ximen bus station and the adjacent residential areas re-zoned for mixed-use development. The site covers an area of 49,675 square meters, with a total GFA 198,700 square meters, inclu... read more >>
22DEC 2018
Dynamic Seismic Hotel Naples, Italy The hotel's design and programmatic criteria involve the effects of earthquakes, tremors and dislocations in the immediate environment. Italy has a long history of earthquakes and they are increasing in frequ... read more >>
Dynamic Seismic Hotel / MARGOT KRASOJEVIC
Posted in Errore (category_name_from_id) - Errore (category_name_from_id) by MARGOT KRASOJEVICDynamic Seismic Hotel Naples, Italy The hotel's design and programmatic criteria involve the effects of earthquakes, tremors and dislocations in the immediate environment. Italy has a long history of earthquakes and they are increasing in frequ... read more >>
22DEC 2018
The snack bars in Mexico have a long history in popular food and are usually synonymous with leisure. With this tradition in mind, ARCO Contemporary Architecture developed within the project to Lonchería La Favorita, a new proposal for cooking... read more >>
Loncheria La Favorita / ARCO Arquitectura Contemporanea
Posted in Architecture - Architecture by Jose LewThe snack bars in Mexico have a long history in popular food and are usually synonymous with leisure. With this tradition in mind, ARCO Contemporary Architecture developed within the project to Lonchería La Favorita, a new proposal for cooking... read more >>
22DEC 2018
A house that is a roof and a hole in the ground. A house where you live above and below ground, where there is hot and cold, light and dark. A house that is carved from the ground and the available light. To build with light and darkness is ... read more >>
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House in a Garden / Gianni Botsford Architects
Posted in Architecture - Houses by * FORMAKERSA house that is a roof and a hole in the ground. A house where you live above and below ground, where there is hot and cold, light and dark. A house that is carved from the ground and the available light. To build with light and darkness is ... read more >>