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13MAY 2020

Plex’Eat / Christophe Gernigon

Posted in Architecture - Restaurants by * FORMAKERS
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I designer si stanno mettendo in moto in tutto il mondo per cercare soluzioni utili a creare distanziamento sociale con oggetti che non sia delle devastanti lastre di plexiglass. Dopo le serre sui canali di Amsterdam, è la volta di Christop... read more >>
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28APR 2020

Israeli Student Designs Cutting-Edge Protective Mask With Disinfecting Case / Yael Mordechay

Posted in Design - Fashion by * FORMAKERS
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With the demand for protective masks drastically increasing amid the coronavirus pandemic, an Israeli art student has designed something along those lines that makes life a bit more colorful right now. As part of her first semester studio project ... read more >>
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28APR 2020


Posted in Architecture - Houses by * FORMAKERS
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Located in an olive grove in southern Peloponnese, this summer residence is characterized by an Ypsilon shaped green roof that acts as both an accessible extension of the terrain, while framing the most significant views from the inside out. The proj... read more >>
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27APR 2020


Posted in Architecture - Housing by * FORMAKERS
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Italian Architecture firm Luca Curci Architects presents THE LINK, a vertical city for 200,000 people. The project aims to rise above the challenge of population density by successfully combining vertical expansion with economic innovation. A self-su... read more >>
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20APR 2020

GHESKIO Cholera Treatment Center / Mass design group

Posted in Architecture - Healthcare by * FORMAKERS
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Cholera—a curable, preventable disease that had not previously existed in Haiti, emerged in 2010 after contaminated waste leaked into the Artibonite River, resulting in rapid spread. When the disease broke, Port-au-Prince’s only waste-fil... read more >>
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