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FORMAKERS will take advantage of the "digital fabrication REvolution". We publish projects of urban design/ architectural research/ fashion design/ 3d print/ parametric design / architecture model /photography and much more.FORMAKERS invites architects, designers, artists, students, scientists and individuals of all backgrounds to explore, research and investigate new design paradigms and urban visions.

30MAY 2013

I cube / Ken Yokogawa / Nihon University of Science and Technology

Posted in Design - Installations by * FORMAKERS

Fascinated and inspired by the way metal chain armor retains its shape and form, architect and professor Ken Yokogawa began investigating the architectural properties of the phenomenon.

© Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology
Two years, 7000 wooden cubes and 36,000 screw-in hooks later, his structure, which he calls an inverted question-cube, is complete, thanks to the help of fellow professor Jun Sato and students from their Nihon University of Science and Technology.

© Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology
The 60 mm (about 2.

© Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology
3”) cubes are linked together by tiny screw-in hooks on each corner, but otherwise the structure is completely free-standing.

© Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology

© Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology
It’s a balancing act that, although required numerous attempts of trial-and-error, resulted in an organic structure that’s as beautiful as it is precarious.

© Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology
It’s on display through May 14, 2013 at the Nihon University of Science and Technology Surugadai Campus in Tokyo.

© Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology

© Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology

Design team:
Investigation and construction by architect and professor Ken Yokogawa with the help of fellow professor Jun Sato and students from Nihon University of Science and Technology.



Website (references):

© Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology © Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology © Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology © Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology © Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology © Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology © Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology © Ken Yokogawa - Jun Sato - Nihon University of Science and Technology


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