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The TOTEMENT / PAPER architectural bureau was founded in 2006. Founders: Levon Ayrapetov and Valeria Preobrazhenskaya. The bureau includes 10 architects, 3 design engineers, 2 interior designers, 1 designer-visualizer. The bureau is doing its own work on the development of architectural and constructive sections of design and working documentation. Develops interiors, carries out the function of the general designer. Specialization of the bureau: The main specificity of the work of the bureau is manifested in objects that require non-standard solutions, an individual approach and having an imagination component. This quality was manifested in the implementation of the Pavilion of the Russian Federation at Expo 2010 in Shanghai, as well as in the development of the «Alliance 1892» Wine and Brandy Distillery Museum & Warehouse in the Kaliningrad region. The team has experience in working with houses of varying complexity ranging from 1500 to 2500 square meters, the key to success of which is the accumulated rich experience of communication with customers and a highly professional approach.



28OCT 2012

Business & Exhibition Center in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk plants. / TOTEMENT/PAPER

Posted in Architecture - Architecture by TOTEMENT/PAPER

Description of architects In September 2011 our Bureau was invited to take part in a closed tender to make a project of a Business & Exhibition Center at one of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk plants.

According to the tender procedure we didn’t know who were other participants and didn’t see their designs and presentations. One year passed till we got acquainted with the winner and his design presented in an archi.

ru publication dated 24.


We consider it to be a good occasion for us to congratulate our colleagues, first of all, but also to present our 2 designs which were worked out by our team and participated in that competition. A construction site was chosen according to a great number of conditions: its location far from the main production building in order to keep away from the ex-zone; close location to the road in order to optimize traffic scheme and access for visitors since permission to be present in any part of the plant is strictly specified regardless a visitor's status (we realized that during our excursion at the plant held by its director).

But the main idea created by the plant administration was its "friendliness" to the environment.

Obviously, SakhalinEnergy does a lot to reduce harmful impact on nature (one could hardly name where else in Russia there are protected areas with Red Book flora and fauna on the territory of a huge plant), and after our conversation with the plant representatives we got an impression we had a visit to the Ministry of Nature Protection but not to the company that built the large plant with oil platforms, pumped gas and oil, laid thousands kilometers of gas pipe-lines and etc. It often happens when a maniac "green idea" serves as a cover, as an absent dress of an emperor with no clothes, since the main idea of "green architecture" - is not nature protection after all but minimization of energy production expenses, protection of resources for future use keeping in mind their limited quantity.

All this haven't changed the attitude of «homo sapience» to his own dominance though all his technical achievements seem ridiculous comparing to all created without his participation.


But ok, enough of that..


We were interested in this project due to the location and task. The island is rather Japanese (we saw Japanese buildings, ruins of lines of defense; nature which is very much alike; the two largest Japanese companies are shareholders; obviously, Japan is the main consumer of energy - reduction of traffic expenses), than Russian (chaotic buildings giving a depressed impression, much of fecklessness and provinciality).

And here on a seashore there is something "horrible and beautiful" at the same time (japans were also the builders, it looked like they just used the territory).

We were greatly impressed by this evidence of glory of mankind - a mass of metal composed in a precise technique, a gorgeous monster (almost like Richard Rogers), huge tankers at filling station, army discipline, english speech and untouched hills around. We made several designs of the building, one of them we are ready to present to your attention.

The first design of a Business & Exhibition Center gave us an opportunity to look for a new type of buildings when its inner structure is composed of simple elements with different scale depending on inside or outside function and with its outside cover made as another simple form (in this case it is a parallelepiped). Outside form serves as a cutting plane and gives a new life to the inside one, often unexpected and random.

But this unexpectedness is strictly “programmed” by the inner predetermination of links among all the elements, which obey to design specifications (in this case these are exhibition halls, offices, lecture rooms, other facilities, etc.

). We chose cone as a basic form, symbolizing a dynamic rotation, both centripetal and centrifugal, as a symbol of vacuum, penetrating to a mass, drilling-out, boring, extracting, withdrawing.

It is as if one space discovers a communication channel with another through the plane which divides and connects them at the same time.

A part of tough space is being drilled out making an empty channel and the drilled out mass is being transferred to the space of emptiness, arranging the tough element – a clone on a horizontal plane. By combining layers we can cultivate vertical or horizontal structure endlessly.

The building that we got as a result became an occasion for us to keep on with our research of various forms and their interactions..



Design team:
Levon Ayrapetov, Valeriya Preobrazhenskaya, Yegor Legkov, Adelina Rivkina, Darya Samohvalova, Yevgeny Kostsov



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