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20APR 2012

Coari:Rise / A-ngine

Posted in Architecture - Mixed use by A-ngine | Tags: Brasil

Introduction The deforestation rate of a country describes the annual destruction of natural forests.

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With 11.5% in 2004, Brazil lost over 10.

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722 square miles and marks therefore the highest rate globally. This massive destruction of local woodland area has many different causes and brings negative impacts on local and global ecosystems.

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Besides the irreversible destruction of the natural environment, diverse ecosystems and rare animal species, deforestation is mainly driven by and feeding the status of poverty in rural regions. Furthermore, in socio-political dynamics of high population pressure and stagnating economic conditions, the sale of land is mostly the only option for poor farmers.

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Awareness Confronted with this acute challenge of solving the phenomena of deforestation we propose a high-rise building as prototype for the usage of wood in a sustainable and innovative manner and the raise of global awareness of the problem at hand. In combining the two realms of research and tourism, the projects aim is to act as stimulating keystone for establishing a vital loop of raising global awareness and supportive funds as well as educating visiting interested parties and local natives.

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The introduction of the novel technology of laminated wood construction acting as load-bearing and space partitioning thick lattice, displays the vast possibilities of the natural resource of wood while underlining a sustainable application of long-lasting flexibility. Specific programmatic and technical requirements are provided by a modular system based on conventional and easy transportable shipping containers and are selectively integrated.

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Therefore, the symbiotic system demonstrates the sensible usage of material resources and their inherent performance capacities in addressing sustainable use, reuse and recycling cycles. Construction concept Situated in Coari, Brazil, centered in the heart of the Amazon forest, the conceptual tower is constructed in several phases.

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The assembly is focused on prefabrication of the majority of building elements and transportability due to due to limited accessibility. Firstly, conventional shipping containers are prefabricated and equipped according to the specific requirements and technical systems of the type of use.

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Secondly, punctual foundations with minimal footprint are built on site, providing the basis for the industrial elevators and staircases. Afterwards, a thick-latticed 3-dimensional framework consisting of prefabricated laminated titan-wood elements is erected on site.

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Floor plates are attached into the load-bearing exoskeleton. Finally, the required arrangement of space units is positioned.

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Location Between May 2000 and August 2006, Brazil lost nearly 150,000 square kilometers of natural rain forest – an area larger than Greece. While analyzing the reasons for that dramatic wood land loss, a large portion of deforestation can be attributed to land clearing for pastureland by commercial and speculative interests.

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Nowadays the destruction is the result of intensified cattle farming, colonization and subsequent agriculture, infrastructure development, commercial agriculture and logging. Consequently, the Coari:Rise is situated at the focal point of deforestation at the Amazon rain forest in Coari, Brazil.

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For raising global awareness and developing local sensibility the education-recreation hybrid shows and investigates possibilities in breaking the cycle of deforestation..

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