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FORMAKERS will take advantage of the "digital fabrication REvolution". We publish projects of urban design/ architectural research/ fashion design/ 3d print/ parametric design / architecture model /photography and much more.FORMAKERS invites architects, designers, artists, students, scientists and individuals of all backgrounds to explore, research and investigate new design paradigms and urban visions.

14NOV 2014

Tall Buildings / Venice - V International Conference

Posted in Events_Interviews - Events_Interviews by * FORMAKERS

The conference, taking place for the fifth consecutive year in Venice, will coincide with the last weekend of the 14th “Biennale di Architettura” (June 7th – November 23rd) directed by Rem Koolhaas (Oma). It chooses as its keyword the same invented for the 14th Biennale: “Fundamentals”.

It means that this time the discussion will revolve not aroundarchitects (and their inventions/solutions) but around buildings and theirfeatures characterizing their success in terms of performances satisfyingfundamental requirements. Which are the fundamentals identified by the Iuav research team, on the basisof which presentations from experts from different parts of the world areselected? Which are the fundamentals identified by the Iuav research team, on the basisof which presentations from experts from different parts of the world areselected? First and foremost: “Innovation in Architectural Envelopes”; but also: “Interface between Skin and Structure”, “Life Cycle Thinking in Tall Buildings”, “Fast Mobility- Vertical and Horizontal”, “Living Green on High Rises” La Conferenza si svolge per il quinto anno consecutivo a Venezia e coincide con il fine settimana conclusivo della quattordicesima mostra della “Biennale di Architettura” (7giugno- 23novembre 2014) curata da Rem Koolhaas. La Conferenza riprende lo stesso tema scelto per la quattordicesima Biennale: “Foundamentals”. Ciò significa che i contenuti delle presentazioni non riguardano gli architetti, bensì gli edifici, le loro caratteristiche e le loro capacità di soddisfare requisiti fondamentali.

Quali sono i foundamental individuati dal gruppo di ricerca Iuav, sulla base delle presentazioni selezionate fra molti esperti internazionali? Primi fra tutti: “Innovazione dell’involucro architettonico”; ma anche: “Interfacce tecnologiche fra involucro e struttura”, “Ciclo di vita degli edifici alti”, “Mobilità verticale e orizzontale”, “Tecnologie a verde per edifici alti”..

Venice - Venezia

Design team:
Friday November 21st, 2014
Ateneo Veneto
San Marco 1897
Campo San Fantin
h. 10 > 18
organized by
professor Aldo Norsa
with Dario Trabucco PhD and Elena Giacomello PhD
under the auspices of Ctbuh (Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat)

Colombo Costruzioni, Decormarmi, Enclos, iGuzzini, Inso, J&A Consultants,Knauf, Kpf, Krost Group, Leitner, Marazzi, Permasteelisa, Sematic, Styl-Comp,Zintek


> 10
Presentation Aldo Norsa, Iuav - Venice

> h. 10.20
Architectural Envelopes
John Iorio J&A, Milan
Invited Speakers
Giorgio Buffoni
Arup, London
Sergio De Gaetano
Thornton Tomasetti, London
Ranieri Fontana Giusti
Kpf, New York
Kim Groves
consultant to Morphosis, Los Angeles
Alex Kunz
Gehry Technologies, Los Angeles and Paris
Edmondo Occhipinti
3-im, Paris and Milan
Mic Patterson
Advanced Technology Studios – Enclos, Los Angeles and New York
Lorenzo Vianello
AA School of Architecture, London

13.20 > 14.40
Lunch Break (on site)

> h. 14.40
Interface between Skin and Structure
Franco Mola
Ecsd, Milan
> 15.00
Life Cycle Thinking in Tall Buildings
Dario Trabucco
Ctbuh / Iuav, Venice
> 15.20
Fast Mobility – Vertical amd Horizontal
Leonardo Cavalli
Oneworks, Milan, with a short film produced by Leitner (Vipiteno/Sterzing)*
> 16.00
Living Green in High Rises
Elena Giacomello
Iuav, Venice

> 16.20
Two distinguished speakers illustrate their life long experience in designing anddelivering tall buildings:
Dante O. Benini
Founder, Dante O. Benini & Partners Architects, Milan
A.Eugene Kohn
Founder, Kpf – Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, New York

> 17.40
Renzo Dubbini Dacc – Iuav, Venice)


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